DS GAME - Batman: The Brave and the Bold (MTX)

Κωδικός: 6038

Κατηγορία: Παιχνίδια μεταχειρισμένα DS/ 3DS

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Εγγύηση προϊόντος: 3 μήνες

Διαθεσιμότητα: Προσωρινά εξαντλημένο διατίθεται με προπαραγγελία

Το παιχνίδι είναι σε άριστη κατάσταση μονάχα η κασετούλα! Product Features Flatten those dastardly villains as Batman or use the Nintendo DS touch screen to swap into one of the other playable heroes including Blue Beetle, Plastic Man, Aquaman and more! Jump, swing, and punch through wild worlds including Gotham City, Science Island, Dinosaur Island, outer space, Atlantis, and London. Unlock awesome gadgets such as Batarangs, the laser sword, Nth metal knuckles, and more, to accomplish your missions and then extend the fun by replaying episodes with your cool new tools. Control Batman's number-one fan, Bat-Mite, with Nintendo DS by linking the Nintendo DS version with the Wii version and have Bat-Mite wreak havoc or fight alongside the superheroes in all the episodes of the Wii version! Brawl against some of the worst scum in the DC Universe including villains such as the Joker, Black Manta, Clock King, Gentleman Ghost, Bane, and more!
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